Title of the article Meaning of notion “law enforcement agencies”, used in article 131-1 Constitution of Ukraine
senior lecturer of the department of public prosecutors training in supervision over laws observance in court decisions enforcement in criminal cases, National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, red1950@mail.ru
Journal Scientific theoretical and practical journal
“Journal of the National Prosecution Academy of Ukraine”
Issue 4’2016
Pages [79–84]
Abstract There was an attempt to define the term “law enforcement agencies”, which appeared (but was not studied) in Article 1311 Constitution of Ukraine after modifications according to Law of Ukraine “On modifications to Constitution of Ukraine (on justice)”. Defined above notion has not been used in legislation of Ukraine and it is not well known in national science.
Keywords Constitution of Ukraine; Constitutional Assembly; Commission for law enforcement activities; law enforcement bodies; police authorities; law enforcement agencies.
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